OOS89 is a Marine Consultancy firm which specialises in Salvage & Wreck Removals projects.
It was established in 2021 by Dirk Jan Osinga. Previously he was Director of Salvage Consulting at AqualisBraemar LOC group for 6 years. Prior to that he spent 18 years as a Senior Salvage Master with a major salvor.
His previous work included many high-profile salvage and wreck removal cases, on many of which he was the salvage master in charge of operations. He has long experience of salvage and wreck removal operations in addition to a detailed understanding of Client needs relating to tendering and the contractual requirements associated with salvage and wreck removal.
Dirk has acted in an advisory role for P&I Clubs, Lawyers and H&M insurers in all technical and commercial aspects of salvage and wreck removal work. He is an SCR and his consultancy work encompasses all matters relating to salvage, wreck removal, tender evaluation, the provision of expert advice in disputes and advice on the provision of emergency response.