Engine room repairs

About this project

Country: The Netherlands
Date: 2019-04-16

The main engine of this vessel was lifted out by sheerlegs to be taken apart completely. The engine room had suffered from unwanted water entry, submerging the main engine up to her turbocharger. The quickest way to effect repairs was to remove the engine as a whole and take it apart in a repair facility.

Main engine placed on SPMT for further transport
main engine lifting by sheerlegs
ME lifitng by sheerlegs
All disconnected, ready to lift
on the blocks

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OOS89 Marine Consultancy
Oliemolen 2
8754GH Makkum
The Netherlands

+31 (0)615 372 410
+44 (0)789 766 7399


Chamber of Commerce 83300708
VAT NL003805200B93
OOS89 Marine Consultancy LTD
Registered office: 
3 Warren Yard, Warren Park
Stratford Road, Wolverton Mill, 
Milton Keynes MK12 5NW

Registered in England & Wales Company No: 15899822

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